Monday, April 14, 2014

Oh Hickory-Stripe Overalls, How I Love Thee

Overalls, you don't give a crap what is or isn't in fashion. You just ARE, in your big baggy wide-legged comfiness. People can point at us and say "Oh my gawd, would you look at that!" and together we can say HAH. Don't care!

Overalls, you don't mind if I've fluctuated three pants sizes in three days time. You still fit anyway. And stay up. And don't squeeze like those other meanie-pants.

Overalls, you are super-fun. You make me feel five years old, which is pretty awesome when I'm absolutely sick of being a responsible adult. With you, I can be a responsible adult disguised as a little girl in pigtails. So nyaaaaaah and PTHBBBBBBT to you, adult life!

Overalls, you don't care if I get stuff on you. You actually LIKE it when I get all clay-splattered and gross. You're HELPING. You've got a job and by golly you do it well! I can't wait to get out in the garden and get dirty together.

Overalls, you have the BEST POCKETS. EVER. A place for everything, and everything stays there, because you aren't girly sissy pants with stupid tiny pockets that don't hold shit. Thanks for holding my shit, dude.

Dear sweet stripey overalls, thanks for being such a pal. You're the best.

- Stell


  1. Now I want some overalls. I haven't had a pair in ages!!

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